Category Archives: Inspiration

These are guides, commentaries, pointers, and testimonies from successful writers and gurus.

Concept to Script in 48 Hours!

When it comes to completing a draft, I’m a big believer that perfectionism is the enemy. As I’ve stated before, getting it on the page, to be shaped and honed in the rewrite will get you out of that rut of stewing over the optimum execution of the current scene, which can hang you up for weeks, or months, or longer.

Here’s a great breakdown of a super-compressed drafting process by Tyler Mowery. He deftly illustrates this point by starting from zero and getting a first draft knocked out in two days! Here is his detailed video chronicle – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

A Deep dive Into RoboCop!

This is a pretty interesting look into the story integrity of an unlikely Sci-Fi Action hit from the Golden Era of Action Movies! Check out this retrospective of RoboCop!

The Creative Process Behind Back to the Future!

There’s a lot of good stuff here, including some specific plotting and structure techniques in how Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale constructed Back to the Future, one of the greatest feats of cinematic storytelling ever committed to celluloid! Enjoy!

Predator (1987): Like Long Tall Sally… It’s Built Sweet

This is one of the most accessible and enjoyable story structure breakdowns I’ve ever seen, and his nickname for Shane Black made me laugh out loud! Enjoy!

Awesome Dialog Tips From Karl Iglesias!

Here the author of Writing for Emotional Impact, one of the most game-changing books I’ve read on screenwriting, discusses some common dialog mistakes and how to fix them!

Tarantino’s Writing Process!

Love him or hate him, this guy is one of the most influential screenwriters living today. This is the best peek at his process I’ve ever seen.